Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Wishes

This year, I’m not going to declare a resolution, so much as express wishes. I don’t mean to be non-committal or wishy-washy. I know the tried and true goal-setting methods require finite, measurable, sensible, deliverable, scheduled, milestone-delimited, documented strategies. My agenda for 2014 has a softer approach — a wish. I wish for myself and for everyone so many blessings in the new year, but they’re not really things you’d count or mark on a scorecard.

I wish for all of us in 2014…

…health, from enjoying healthy behavior

Get out. Move. Do the things your body was made to do until you get tired. Rest. And do it again. Eat nourishing foods and revel in the way they make you feel. Avoid an excess of things that drain you and undermine your success with no gain. Revel in how strong and healthy this makes you feel.

…abundance, in understanding the difference in wants and needs

May you have everything you ever needed and want for nothing else. May you have the wisdom and courage to take only what is necessary and reserve the rest or share it with others. Become resourceful in reducing waste and giving the old and used new life. Don’t lament the things you don’t have and wish you did, but celebrate the things you’ve got.

…success, in having accomplished what you set out to do.

I hope you find something worthwhile to do and do it — industriously, whole-heartedly, and with satisfaction. Find the courage to try things that might scare you — whether you fear you’re unworthy, failure, or simply the unknown. Whatever you do in 2014, be present. Really experience it and be proud of what you have accomplished because it is yours.

…wonder, at the commonplace and novel alike.

This one short little year in our brief lives is a gift. It’s an opportunity to have experiences made one-of-a-kind by our own unique vantage point. May you be grateful for the amazing capacity of people, infinite diversity in things, and your own ability to always learn something new.

High (time for) Resolution

Oh yes. It’s just days until Christmas, and I feel I’ve sort of skipped the wind-up this year. I didn’t bake any cookies (aside from helping Mom) or hang any decorations. I bought the minimum for gifts and got someone else to do the wrapping for me! I only sent out cards if they were sent to me first. Like I said…minimal. I’m more excited for the New Year. And so, I’ve written some guidelines for my future self…they can be guidelines for you, too if they happen to lend a little inspiration.

  1. Be nicer. People are a gift. Respect them and find wonder in their amazing potential. Remember they’re just people trying to live their lives as best they can. Try not to take their behavior personally. They’ve likely got other concerns that impact what they do. Get over it. Don’t waste time or energy pouting. And for heaven’s sake, don’t drag your feet in some passive-aggressive vindictive response. Just do what you can to make your life and theirs easier. It will produce better results, in the end. I promise.
  2. Create. Be creative in your personal time. Draw, paint, take photos, write.  Remember how much you loved that? Do it again, it’s good for you and it makes you happy. (It would be good for you to post it to your blog, too. Remember how you aspire to keep your blog up to date? Nothing like killing 2 birds with one stone.)
  3. Be healthy. Eat healthy foods that you enjoy and delight in how good they make you feel. Take pleasure in an active lifestyle and revel in the emotional boost you get from the endorphins. You bought those nordic skis…get out and use them this year.
  4. Be organized. “Organization” is a colorful spectrum… Try to keep yourself out of the absolute-fire-hazard-pest-control-strange-smell rang of the continuum. Expect that there will be an ebb and flow as the forces of entropy and enthropy wage war in your physical and virtual space and time, but do what you can to actively reduce clutter. Purge the old and unused. Decide how you will use things and where you will put them before you take possession of them.
  5. Think. Play mind-building games and puzzles. Engage in philosophical conversations with friends. Think critically to try to help solve problems…both your own and in society. Be a part of the solution.

We each have an obligation to drive our own success. This includes setting up optimal conditions for favorable outcomes. These are the things on which I think I can improve in the coming year to really help make 2012 a success.